Introduction For Communication Studies Sba

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The theme I am writing on is “Taxation”. Taxation is a means by which governments finance their expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities. This theme relates closely to my long-term goal of becoming The Commissioner of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD); hence, I have acquired a position as a Tax Officer within this department. At present, I am currently pursuing my bachelors’ degree in Accounting at The University of The West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. On acquiring my degree in Accounting, it would assist with journey in obtaining my long term goal as it is one of the major academic requirements for this position. Therefore, the purpose of this portfolio on “Taxation” is to demonstrate my knowledge and skill gained from the research on this topic. I was motivated to choose this theme because; according to Thomas Cooley taxation is the process by which the sovereign, through its law making body raises income to defray the necessary expenses of government. Consequently, I personally deem taxation as a powerful means in order to achieve social progress and objective of economic development which will then assist my country in gaining a more stable economic status and also become more modernize and developed. It would also support my interest which is more job opportunities would be available for its society. Therefore, to develop my theme in exposition, I would be discussing the controversial question of many taxpayers “Should taxes be raised during harsh economic times?” I will orally present the pros and cons of this question from valid and reliable research done from the internet and books. In the presentation, I will choose the Furthermore, to emphasize on my theme my reflection piece would be portrayed through a poem entitled “Taxes”. During these sections I would be able to assist many taxpayers with their divisive thoughts
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