Introduce The Concepts "Recruitment" And "Selectio

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1. Introduce the concepts "recruitment" and "selection." In other words, what do these terms mean. a. Recruitment: process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job. Selection: act or an instance of selecting or the fact of having been selected. 2. As the Human Resources Manager, identify the criteria you would consider in a candidate and explain why you would use this criteria. a. Human Resources: Select candidate - London's only specialist ... ... identify any tests or presentations required. All applications received are held in the Human Resources Team ... Human Resources Manager. Human Resources, Real World Scenarios (culture, management styles ... Human Resources, Real World Scenarios ... You identify several possible team leaders. Joan, a manager who is an expatriate U ... corporations tend to use hybrid structures. The smartest employers, who hire the best people, recruit a pre-qualified candidate pool of potential employees before they need to fill a job. Hiring the right employee starts with a job analysis. The job analysis enables you to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. The information from the job analysis is fundamental to developing the job description for the new employee. The job description assists you to plan your recruiting strategy for hiring the right employee 3. Lastly, explain where you would conduct your recruiting and why you would use this recruiting source or place. a. I would conduct my recruiting with the reason to find the best canditates to choose from my best person to work

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