For example, as a protection against power failure, one can design a word processor to write its random access memory (RAM) buffer to disk once every minute. A thread can be created whose sole job is periodic backup and that schedules itself directly with the OS; there is no need for fancy code in the main program to provide for time checks or to coordinate input and output. Speed of execution: A multithreaded process can compute one batch of data while reading the next batch from a device. On a multiprocessor system, multiple threads from the same process may be able to execute simultaneously. Thus, even though one thread may be blocked for an I/O operation to read in a batch of data, another thread may be
Which of the following is true about the process of read data, as described in the chapter? D. The CPU must first find the file in the file system before reading the data. 6. A user has opened a word processor, type the numbers 123456789, and stored the document as a file called report 1. Which of the following determines, in part, what bits the computer stores in the file to represent the text typed into the report?
A.Used for short term memory, E. Is installed on the motherboard 5. This chapter describes the concepts behind how a CPU reads the contents from RAM. Which of the following is true about the process of read data. As described in the chapter?A.The CPU tells the RAM which address holds data that the CPU wants to read. 6.
Which of the following determines, in part, what bits the computer stores in the file to represent the text typed into the report? vii. C: Character Set. 7. A user has opened a calculator application typed the numbers 123456789, and then done some math problem using this number.
a. The CPU tells the RAM which address holds the data that the CPU wants to read. 6. A user has opened a word processor, typed the numbers 123456789, and stored the document as a file called report1. Which of the following determines, in part, what bits the computer stores in the file to represent the text typed into the report?
2. Documentation folder contains three files which will guide you through software installation steps, project creation and loading program. 3. Experiment_ATMEL-Studio-6 folder contains master code written in ATMEL STUDIO IDE. These codes are for reference and can be used by teams to understand the programming logic.
The operating system is an essential component of the system software in a computer system. 3) C.P.U-(central processing unit) is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. 4) KB-(kilobyte) is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The SI prefix kilo- means 1000. 5) MB- (megabyte) is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information.
LO4: Explain how programs work. LO5: Differentiate among machine language, assembly language, and high-level languages. LO6: Differentiate between compilers and interpreters. LO7: Identify the different types of software. LO8: Determine program input, processing, and output stages.
Java passes all parameters by value which means that the current value of the actual parameter is copied into the formal parameter in the method header. * 5.3 Explain why a static method cannot refer to an instance variable. A static method is invoked through a class rather than through an object of the class. No object of the class needs to be instantiated in order to invoke a static method 5.4 Can a class implement two interfaces that each contain the same method signature? Explain.
This password is stored in _______. BIOS CMOS RAM* DDR RAM the CPU 8. (TCO 3) The term form factor in regards to a motherboard refers to the ______ layout of the components on the board physical logical proposed inverted 9. (TCO 9) When you first purchase a notebook, make sure you have a ____ CD containing the installed OS so you can recover from a failed hard drive development management diagnostic recovery 10. (TCO 9) ____ let you specify which devices are to be loaded on startup for a particular user or set of circumstances Hardware profiles* Folder redirections Briefcase profiles Startup profiles 11.