Into The Wild- Happiness

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Happiness comes within the mind and soul of the person. Majority of people refer to happiness as a special powerful emotion that we can’t control. This emotion just comes and goes. Environmental factors take upon the development of why happiness occurs. It could also be for the actions you make in your life; whether it’s saving a life or helping others achieve their goal, etc. A quote by Gandhi made me think and wonder, he said, “Be the change you want to see in this world.”When you make a change within yourself and your surroundings it inspires you to do more than what’s expected and to think above and beyond, thus creating joy within your heart, mind and soul. That’s why I agree with Christopher McCandless philosophy on the source of happiness. McCandless sent a letter to his friend Marz and in his letter he held an argument. Advice sometimes aspires and makes people think of ways of how to achieve happiness and better living. McCandless begins his first sentence by stating, “You should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin boldly to do things which you may previously never have thought of doing.” Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in this world.” In order to see your goal, dream or fantasy come true, you have to make it happen. Taking action is a big factor. Changing your ways of living by making drastic changes and not to forget doing things you never expect to do could lead to a happy life for you. Unfortunately for Mr. Franz his 81 and widowed but, McCandless is trying to cheer him up. When you have friends that are there for you and care for you, it brings a great feeling of joy within your mind and soul. Even though you’re 81 and widowed, does that mean you’re going to live sad and depressed your whole life? Absolutely not! There are many ways a person can enjoy themselves. One of the ways a person can enjoy themselves is by
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