Interview With My Nanna

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Interview with my Nanna J – Jordan (age 12); NR – Nanna Rose (Grandma Rose, age 82). Both live in Malta. J: Hello Nanna Rose, I would like to interview you about certain topics in your time... NR: Why, of course! Go ahead... J: Thank how was school in your time? NR: At that time, school was “elementary”. We only learned the basics, nothing fancy. J: Was school compulsory at the time? Did the government make you go to school as it does today, till you’re 16? NR: Yes, yes, the authorities made sure we wouldn’t play truant...well...not excessively, at least! And we were meant to stay in till our early teens, but it was easy for parents to obtain permission to take their children out of school at an earlier age. J: So school was more relaxed back then. What about exams? Were you examined? NR: Exams weren’t hard, not much to write. Although when you went to higher schools (secondary school) they would become more challenging. At that stage many kids opted out of school. Few kids, such as myself, continued learning. J: People didn’t really feel the need to learn, then. NR: That’s right. Parents let their children do what they liked, to stay or not to stay. In fact some parents encouraged their children to come out of school – they considered it a waste of time, especially when they had family chores their children could help in! Or a trade they could learn from their father... J: OK, what about subjects? Which ones did you have? NR: English, Maltese..Geography, History and Maths. We had books on each one as well. J: Like today, only today we have more subjects. I guess there were private and church schools back then as well, right? NR: Yes there were... government schools were the most popular, obviously – they were free and more relaxed. J: OK. I guess you had holidays off school, right? Were they the same type of holidays

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