Intervention Journal Article

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Intervention Studies on Forgiveness: A Meta-Analysis Liberty University Summary The topic covered by this article is based on the effectiveness of forgiveness intervention done through clinical studies. The article consisted of various case studies and analysis reported by Thomas W. Baskin and Robert D. Enright. Throughout the study, the common purpose was to prove that forgiveness is effective. The offended must forgive the offender who created anger, resentment, anxiety, and psychological depression. “Forgiveness has been define as the willful giving up of resentment in the face of another’s (or others) considerable injustice and responding with beneficence to the offender even though the that offender has no right to the forgivers moral goodness” (Baskin & Enright, p. 80, 2004). Forgiveness is the ability to let go and let God. “The purpose of this article is to analyze via meta-analysis the existing published intervention on forgiveness” (Baskin & Enright, p.79, 2004). The article outlines three models used for counseling in forgiveness. The first model, by Enright and the Human Development Study Group (1991), has four phases; Uncovering, Decision, Work, and Deepening. The second model, described by McCullough, Worthington, and Rachal (1997), has nine different components that focus on cognitive and affective empathy. The third model, by McCullough and Worthington (1995), was designed to produce forgiveness in a 1-hour session by writing letters and focusing on the offender. The letters were not designed to be sent to the offender but as a channel of expressing forgiveness (Baskin & Enright, p. 81, 2004). The findings from this study were that through the Meta-analysis the victim was able to forgive. The models used to reach the forgiving stage were either based on the two first models that are process based or the third model that was
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