Interpretation of the Raven by Edgar Allan Poe (Rough)

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The Raven 1. I chose this poem mainly because I enjoy the dark writing of Poe. I also chose it because I felt that Id have to search really deep in order to find the meaning. A few of the previous stories I chose were too simple and that led me to plot summary in my essay. 2. I had mixed emotions while reading the poem. At the very beginning it created a suspenseful mood for me. I felt very bad for the main character since he lost his lover. I think its more difficult when the end of a relationship isn't due to a mutual agreement to end it. I felt as if she had been ripped out of his arms. 3. My first thesis was: The main meaning or message of "The Raven" is that the inability to move on will eventually lead to ones own mental anguish. My thesis changed because I felt if was very simple yet unclear. The main meaning or message of "The Raven" is, the irretrievable loss of unfathomable love can lead to a lifetime of affliction that leaves "nevermore". 4. "From my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Nameless here for evermore." The main character seems to be trying to withdraw himself from his thoughts about Lenore. The book that he is reading symbolizes his search of a solution to "surcease his sorrow". Lenore's importance is expressed by saying that she is named by the angels. It is an indirect way of stating that Lenore was conceived by angels and that she is of precedence. The main characters loss what such an important figure represents his never-ending agony to come. 5. The setting of story and use of the raven help the reader understand the main characters feelings. "Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December…In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore." Poe creates a dark and difficult setting to express the characters mood.

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