Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Skills Essay

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1 – Hogan and Warrenfeltz describe a model of managerial education. They explain the factors that a manager should focus on so that certain skills show an improvement. This model can be divided in three major steps. First, it is of great importance to be aware that there exist four domains of skills. These are intrapersonal, interpersonal, leadership and business skills. Intrapersonal skills represent a person’s integrity. Interpersonal concern how well a manager can maintain relationships. Leadership skills refer to the ability to maintain teams. Finally, business skills involve the cognitive side of a manager. The training in these skills is important because they relate to a manager’s competency, which is described as “a performance capability that distinguishes effective from ineffective managers” (p.78). Therefore, training managers improving these skills is a crucial issue. Secondly, there are two perspectives that can be distinguished in a person’s performance. The inner perspective is all about a person’s self-view – a person’s goals and his or her self-evaluation of skills. The outer perspective is based on the perspective of other people’s evaluation. The domain presented by Hogan and Warrenfeltz is focused on how other people see us. Therefore an assessment of how other people see us, regarding the four major domains, reflects a manager’s competency. Thirdly, once a clear assessment is done, trainers will be able to design a specific program to improve individual competency domains. This will reflect in “enhance[d] individual performance, and positive results will occur more rapidly” (p 83). 2- After working in several surveys this semester, we followed three main steps in order to become self aware of our interpersonal, intrapersonal and leadership skills. As mentioned in the lecture, the first step is to observe our own thoughts, behaviours and skills.

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