International Organizations and Conflict Management

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INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND CONFLICT . MANAGEMENT BY NWOFIA, JOHNSON EMEKA. INTRODUCTION An organization is the rational co-ordination of the activities of two or more people for the achievement of some common explicit goal or purpose, through division of labour and function and through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility (Katz and Kahn, 1996). Some organizations are large, purposive and complex human groupings or social units that are deliberately constructed in functionally related ways to meet specific goals. Organizations with membership drawn from more than one nation and which scope of activity or presence transcends the frontiers of one political entity are called international organizations. In international relations, an international organization may mean an institution that maintains its membership from two or more sovereign nations purposely for the propagation of the interests of the member nations. The basis of existence of such organization is international law articulated in the form of a treaty. The article of association provides a platform for co-ordination and co-operation on a wide range of issues among member nations. The article of association is called a charter. There are two major types of international organizations namely Intergovernmental or International Governmental Organizations (IGO) and International Non-governmental Organizations. International governmental organizations are made up of sovereign nation-states while international non-governmental organizations are non-profit organizations not owned by any government but which operations and activities or interests transcend international borders. The United
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