International Aid Essay

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International aid is the help given to less developed countries so that they can develop economically and socially. Most aid is in the form of bilateral aid which is given from one country to another e.g. Ireland gives aid to Zambia and other priority countries in Africa. About 30% of all aid is multinational. This is aid given by a central fund which is then channelled to those countries that need it through international agencies such as the UN. Voluntary aid is organised by NGO’s such as Trocaie or Goal. People contribute to bilateral and multilateral aid through their taxes but as the name suggests, voluntary non-governmental aid is given in the form of charity. Emergency aid is given to as an immediate response to natural disasters such as the Asian Tsunami. Two of the main issues associated with international aid are: whether it is effective and the impact of unfair trade and fair trade. The effectiveness of international aid. One of the main critism's of international aid is that it is not effective in helping countries develop for example, despite $1 trillion in loans since the 1960’s, the per-capita growth rate of the typical developing country is 0% . Even after $2 billion worth of aid was given to Zambia living standards are 40% lower now than when Zambia gained its independence in 1964. The reasons for such little or no impact are varied. First is that in many cases aid is diverted by international agencies and never reaches those who need it. In Afghanistan, for example, $30 million was spent on a project to deliver roofing timber to people in a war torn mountain village but it was ineffective because 60% of the money was used by foreign agenises to cover their own costs such as administration and transport. Also, aid money may be stolen by corrupt government officials who bank the aid in off-shore accounts for their own private use. According to
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