Intergrated Organisational Communication

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INTERGRATED ORGANISATIONAL COMMUNICATION COM2602 Semester 2 Assignment 01 Communication and the organisation Table of Contents: QUESTION 1 | 3 | 1.1.1 Public relations | 3 | 1.1.2 Marketing communication | 3 | 1.1.3 Organisational communication | 3 | 1.2.2 Strategy communication | 4 | 1.2.2 Communication strategy | 5 | 1.2.3 Communication of strategy | 5 | QUESTION 2 | 6 | 2.1 Introduction | 6 | 2.2.1 The location where the organisation missions is translated into strategy | 7 | 2.2.2 The location where the organisation’s strategy is implemented | 8 | 2.2.3 The location where the organisations external communications are planned and executed. | 8 | 2.2.4 The location where the organisation’s service is delivered to the customer or client. | 8 | 2.2.5 The location where external stakeholders, expectations of the organisation, its products and services are formed | 9 | Conclusion | 9 | Sources of information 10 INTRODUCTION I believe by the end of this assignment my knowledge would be much broader about communication in the organisation, how we as people interact with each other in a group. I would learn to know what different forms of communication in the organisation we get, and know how to discuss strategic roles of communication. I would also be able to verify all aspects of integration, including some that excist within the integrated communication. QUESTION 1 Communication in the organisation 1.1.1 Public relations –“Public relations are the attempt by information persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution.” - Edward L. Bernays It is important to know where public relationship originates from to link the theory with the practice of public relations. It’s said that public relations as a paid profession only stared in 1900 when the

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