Intelligence Across Cultures

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What does Benson say about culture and intelligence. Summarize this article into on paragraph. This paper is about different perspectives which contain the differences between intelligence (definitions, tests) and cognitive development of people from different cultures. In the first article on paper there is a statement which argues the cognitive styles of people who are from different cultures, have been developed in different ways according to cultures, and the distinction between cultures which divides the different thinking ways about the intelligence, for instance, the definitions of intelligence are different in East Asian and West cultures. In addition to that, the practical and academic intelligence which are able to develop independently or conflict with each other and the culture’s values might shape in child’s development direction. There is part from the first article, which I also disagree, “...everyone raised in a particular culture will share equally in that culture’s style of thinking...”, so that I do not think that the cognitive development of people are based on just the culture. The second article of the paper is about the cultural conditions on intelligence tests. According to researches in the article, nonverbal or visual intelligence tests are based on cultural conditions. There is an argument which explains the needs of adapting the intelligence tests to other cultures. The argument is about whether they need to adapt Western culture intelligence tests to other cultures or they need to design new tests to them. Intelligence tests cannot be culture free, and it is not enough to just change its local language, they need to change the entire test according to cultural conditions. 2. What relevance, if any, does this article have for teaching in a school where students come from different backgrounds? There is a relevance between this
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