Ingredients of a Successful Student

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Ingredients of a successful student The typical college campus is a friendly place; but it is also a competitive environment. The education you receive there, and the attitudes you develop, will guide you for the rest of your life. Your grades will be especially important in landing your first job, or when applying to graduate school. To be a successful student requires certain skills; but, these are skills that can be learned. Work hard. You can't be lazy if you want to be successful in school. ------------------------------------------------- Be punctual. Develop the habit of judging time and learn how to arrive where you need to be on time. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Work honestly. That means, do your own work, don't copy, don't cheat. It only cheats yourself when later you can't do the things you were supposed to learn. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Do the homework or assignments. Get help from the teacher if you need to, and if you don't like the work, or can't find time, also talk to the teacher. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Learn about your own style of learning! Find out what's your best method, and try to apply it to your studies. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Use common sense. Realize what the class is about, what the work is supposed to teach you, how you should handle yourself with the other students. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
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