Informative Speech On Multiple Sclerosis

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Peru State College Did You Know? Multiple Sclerosis Shelby Mustion 10742337 SPCH152-000C Joshua E. Young September 5th, 2012 Did you know that a person can actually go a possible lifetime without knowing of a condition that they possess? Now I’m not saying this is either a necessarily good or bad thing; however it is something important to realize. Just last year, my own mother was diagnosed with MS and now that I’ve taught myself the facts, I believe it is important to share them with all of you. With some things; the more you know, the better off you are. Throughout this speech I hope to enlighten you on the symptoms and statistics, treatments, and new discoveries of this condition. According to Oxford’s Dictionary, multiple sclerosis is defined as a chronic, typically progressive disease involving damage to the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis is very common, as it affects 350,000-400,000 people in the United States with women being diagnosed about twice as frequently as men. There is no telling exactly how many people have this, because as I stated previously, many people go without knowing for quite some time, or never at all. The book, “What Nurses Know” informs us that where you live may affect your chances by stating…show more content…
Another large part in the absence of treatment is because many people actually lived with Multiple Sclerosis before they were diagnosed and did just fine in life. Recent studies have been able to provide people with the information that being diagnosed no longer means that you will inevitably one day end up in a wheelchair. Symptoms also seem to come and go for MS patients, therefore many people believe that it can’t possibly be quite what it seems, or quite so bad, therefore they don’t wish to use treatment, because their symptoms are
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