Informative Essay: The Use Of Embryonic Stem Cells

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The use of embryonic stem cells in treatments has been a controversial matter for a long time. In many cases that used embryonic stem cells, negative results have occurred. For example, in March 2001, scientists in the United States preformed an experimental study to cure patients who suffer Parkinson’s disease. These scientists transplanted fetal cells into the brains of those patients, which produced disastrous results. Many of these patients were left with uncontrollable jerky movements, which, scientists believed, were caused because of the fetal cells. Although some patients had showed improvement, after a year, those patients also began to develop severe dyskinesia. During these processes people argued that it was unethical to destroy embryos to obtain stem cells to cure someone else. If this research would be allowed to be continued in the future, some questions that might come up include whether or not scientists should be allowed to killed fetuses to obtain the stem cells they need for the…show more content…
For example, on October 12, 2004, Korean researchers preformed a miracle treatment, on a 37- year old patient who couldn’t stand up, enabling her to walk on her own because of stem cell therapy. The scientists said that they had transplanted multi-potent stem cells from umbilical cord blood to the 37-year old patient suffering from spinal cord injury. Researchers injected the stem cells directly in the spine and succeeded. 15 days after the patient’s operation, her sensory and motor nerves started to improve and she was able to move her hips. Her feet responded to stimulation after 25 days. After sometime, she was able to walk on her own, with an aid of a walker. This therapy turned out to be an overall success and researchers believed that originating stem cells from umbilical cord blood would not raise problems since the blood is routinely discarded after the birth of a

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