Information Technology Essay

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Answer These Questions 1. Which of the following is true about a TCP/IP network? a. The network uses only standards defined in TCP/IP RFCs. b. The network uses standards defined in TCP/IP RFCs, plus other standards. c. The IT personnel must choose to use TCP or IP. d. The network must use only LANs, but no WANs. 2. Which of the following terms is not a common synonym for TCP/IP model? (Choose two answers.) e. TCP/IP architecture f. TCP/IP g. Ethernet h. TCP/IP mapping 3. Think generically about the idea of a networking standard, ignoring any particular standard or standards group. Which of the following is typically true of a standard? (Choose two answers.) i. It exists as a written document. j. It exists as a deployed network device, which people can visit on the Internet. k. It has been passed through some form of review and approval or certification process. d. In the United States, it requires a vote by an elected politician 4. Contrast an international standard as compared to a de facto standard. (Choose two answers.) l. De facto standard documents have been reviewed more thoroughly. m. International standard documents have been reviewed more thoroughly. n. De facto standards typically mean that the standards group has been authorized by many countries to create standards that apply to multiple countries. o. International standards typically mean that the standards group has been authorized by many countries to create standards that apply to multiple countries. 5. Which of the following are true about the commonly used version of the TCP/IP model as shown in this chapter? (Choose two answers.) p. The application layer sits immediately above the network layer. q. The data link layer sits lower

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