Information Systems Success and Failures

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Information systems everywhere are always at a possibility to fail. There are several reasons why they have a failure rate. Lots of studies have been done to address the reasons why information systems have failed. From a recent survey in 2006 it has reported that around 70-80% of all information systems fail. Despite best practices and defined procedures and methodology applied in implementing these projects, there is still a high rate of failure. Studies have also shown that an unsuccessful Information system is more likely to occur than a successful one. Nearly 20% or Information System projects are satisfactory. The failure rates are more likely to happen in large scale projects than in medium or small projects There are several reasons why Information Systems may fail. Randall Curlee & Bruce Tom divides them in to three main categories. Failure due to technological inadequacies is one area to look at. This is simply the fact that the hardware and the software to be used in the system were not adequately analyzed to fit the project. If the capital of hardware and software is not enough to respond to the system under consideration then the useful ness of the system will be constrained and this will lead to failure. It is a must that the hardware and software component of information systems being implemented be thoroughly weighed before implementation. If the organization did not properly communicate what kind of system they really wanted then the designer may implement something far inferior. Sometimes also there is a misunderstanding on the part of the implementer or they may try to cut corners and cause an inadequate supply. Sometimes the needs of the Information System may have changed but no change was made to the system already in progress. It therefore means that structural constraints of the organization must be taken into consideration because if it

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