Information System 4.6

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Discuss the advantages of a database management approach to the file processing approach? Give examples to illustrate your answer. The advantage of using a database management approach is that the software will consolidates records into database that can be accessed by different programs. The use of database management also allows the ability to store information into a common database unlike file processing approach in which the information is store in to different files. One example for the use of database management approach will be the hospital. The hospital will be able to update patients’ personal particular or drug allergy easily all the time. However, if they use the traditional file processing approach, they will have to update the information to all the different files that has the patients’ information. The use of file processing approach will result in duplicated data and will make it tough for the hospital to update. Therefore, the use of database management will be more cost and time efficient compared to file processing approach. Outline the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business applications today? Relational database model is a model in which all data are stored in relations such as a table which consists of rows and columns. The benefits of using the relational database model is that it is one of the most popular structure compared to hierarchical and network model. In addition, data is stored in table form and these data from different table can be linked using database management system. Some of the limitations of the relational database model are that the data are slow in extraction compared to other structures and if there are large number of tables and data, the machine performance might affect the usage of the database. [1] How will wireless information appliances and services affect the business
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