Information Age Critical Reflection Essay

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The information age might very well go down as one of the most influential movements of the last century. The term “revolution” refers to a drastic change. In what ways in this information age so drastically different? Is it all good? "The truly revolutionary impact of the Information Revolution is just beginning to be felt. But it is not 'information' that fuels this impact. It is not 'artificial intelligence.' It is not the effect of computers and data processing on decision-making, policymaking, or strategy. It is something that practically no one foresaw or, indeed, even talked about ten or fifteen years ago: e-commerce—that is, the explosive emergence of the Internet as a major, perhaps eventually the major, worldwide distribution channel for goods, for services, and, surprisingly, for managerial and professional jobs" (Drucker, 1999). This was the fact that we were just becoming aware of thirteen short years ago. We are now feeling the full impact of this portion of the revolution. There is no longer a need to spend days shopping a hundred different stores to find just the right Christmas gifts, we can now sit comfortably in our own homes at our computers and purchase just about anything we want, including items we would not have had access to before due to location restrictions. This same "everything at the tip of our fingers" experience has become a normal part of our lives in every way imaginable. Whether we are searching for information, paying bills, or looking to communicate with family and friends who live in other states or countries, we accomplish all of these things daily on our computers, cell phones, tablets and other devices. It is amazing to think of all of the things we now accomplish simply by moving our fingers around a keyboard. For the most part I believe this is all positive growth. There are certainly some downfalls, such as; there
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