Influence of Electronic Media on the Behavior of Children/Teenagers

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ABSTRACT The study focused on the influences of the electronic media on the behavior of children and teenagers in Gweru Urban in Zimbabwe. It brought to light both positive and negative influences of the electronic media, paying particular attention to the television (TV). The study went further to mention some of the theories that link the media and society. Among other research designs, the descriptive survey was considered most appropriate because of its investigative nature. Three instruments, the questionnaire, interview and the observation technique were used. The questionnaire was administered to teenagers at one secondary school in Gweru Urban and to parents in South Downs Suburb where the researcher resides. Forty houses were selected using the random sampling procedure. The data collected was analysed and presented in tables. The main findings of the research were that the electronic media do influence the way children and teenagers behave because those children who are not exposed to the media, for example, most of the children and teenagers in rural areas behave dif ferently from those in the urban areas and also that some African cultures have lost their originality . The study therefore recommends that children be educated on the role of the media and their effects. INTRODUCTION Today people wonder why children behave the way they do. Behaviors in children is caused by a number of factors. Some researchers concluded that culture and the media are some of the factors that today affect the way children dress, talk, walk or even influence the type of music or the food they want. For the purpose of this study the researchers looked at the television. Since the teenagers are the backbone of any society in terms of them being the future generation, the researchers were prompted to investigate the influence of the media on
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