Inequality In The United States

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Inequality in the United States Inequality is widely spread across the entire globe effecting a vast majority of society’s and cultures. There is a widespread gap between both ends of the spectrum and a huge lack of equality in many categories including economic, social, and gender. Throughout research and readings I have come upon supportive quotes and opinions from highly respected authors and government officials. I have also formed my outlook on the subject of inequality. Books that include To Save America, written by Newt Gingrich, Getting a Grip 2, a book published by Frances Moore Lappe, and The Audacity of Hope, published by our very own president Barack Obama. These authors provide insightful information on inequality crises across the US today. Economics are the root to inequality, from their social factors, gender roles, racism, and prejudice it all trickle’s down and enforce the hardships of being unequal. In the current century there is more of a demand for knowledge-based jobs. Industrial, hands on, manufacturing jobs are slowly declining. Through globalization the need for white-collar jobs is increasing. Well-educated members of society are getting richer while poorly educated generate no increase in income. The end result is creating the large economic inequality gap. In terms of gender inequalities, cases still come forward that include unequal pay between a female manager and a male manager. The groups that have been identified by society: gender, skin color, and class that you were born into should not determine your treatment or revenue. Inequality will forever be a struggle in anytime of organization, the constitution is on the right track, but there is still a lot of progress to make. Everybody has his or her own opinion and side to take regarding inequality in America. Frances Moore Lappe, author of 18 books including Getting a Grip

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