Individuals Living In a City Have Different Propen

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Individuals living in a city have different propensities to establish a firm than individuals living in a rural area Table of Contents 1. Introduction and Motivation 2 2. Definitions 3 3. Limitations 4 4. Related Theory 5 4.1 Entrepreneurial Opportunities 5 4.2 Venture Capital 8 4.3 Government Rules and Regulations 9 4.4 Clusters 10 4.5 The Social Capital 11 5. Discussion and Conclusion 11 6. References 14 1. Introduction and Motivation This paper attempts to explore and consequently validate the following statement based on a meta-analysis of qualified literature: Individuals living in a city have different propensities to establish a firm than individuals living in a rural area When talking about these different propensities, these questions are of particular interest: “Do individuals from the city essentially have different propensities?” I will investigate if there are any differences. I will also look closely at the various entrepreneurial opportunities in cities and in rural areas. Assuming that there are more opportunities in the city “What is keeping an individual from a rural area from moving to the city? I will also analyze this by using a variety of theories from the syllabus and additional sources as well. Another way of looking at this is from the perspective of globalization. “Does location and distance still matter in the 21st century?” One of the most significant consequences of the present process of globalization is the way in which it continues to turn inputs, previously crucial to the competitiveness of firms, into ubiquities. Ubiquities are inputs equally available to all firms at more or less the same cost almost regardless of location (Weber 1990). I am going to present the governmental rules and policies. I will also conceder the role of Venture capital in starting a firm and the importance of the location. I will also

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