Individuality Is a Key To Happiness

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Everyone in this world has been blessed with a conscience, personal intuition, and characteristics that make them an individual and a unique contribution to their society. Sometimes people find their conscience and listen to its powerful ability to tell us what it just or unjust. On the way to finding, or even after finding their conscience, a person may also find also find this other little voice inside called Intuition. Intuition is a brother to Conscience, located deep inside a person that says, “Don’t do it!” “Listen to my brother!” Most of the time, when a person fails listen to the dynamic duo of Conscience and Intuition, something bad happens, and a dire consequence might be served to the poor unfortunate individual who was deafened to the soul because of the mind, when in reality they should have been working together to create a strong, brave, unique individual. The pressures of society, and sometimes the pressures of being the best individual you can be, can cloud a person’s clear judgment, and bring out their inner weakness, instead of their inner strength, causing them to react in a way they normally would not have. In the short story, “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” written by F. Scott Fitzgerald the story’s main character, Bernice, lets the pressure of society, her mean cousin Marjorie, and her desperation to be popular, get to her conscience and her own personal intuition, and turn her into somebody who was the opposite of her own natural character. In the Essay entitled “Self Reliance” written by the intelligent, non-conformist individual, Ralph Waldo Emerson, his thoughts on how to live and pray, and wise words about a person’s conscience, being a individual, and trusting your own inner voice are spoken. Ralph Waldo Emerson would not have agreed with Bernice’s conformity or many of her actions that will be further discussed in this essay. When the pressures
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