Indiscipline Among Students

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Essay On The Problem of Indiscipline Among Students They insult teachers. In examinations, they insist on copying. If any invigilator checks them he is threatened. All this clearly proves that our students are indiscipline. We cannot blame the students alone for this growing indiscipline. There are many other causes of indiscipline. The most important one is the political cause. Students were encouraged by our leaders to take part in the freedom struggle. They followed all the methods that were useful for this end. Now they use those very methods against their elders, whenever attempts are made at disciplining them. Besides this, the various political parties make use of students for their own ends. For example, students were used as tools in Gujrat, Punjab, Assam and Bihar. Indeed, politics is the most important cause of student indiscipline to-day. Our-education does not suit many of the students. They do not find of any use. They fail to get suitable jobs after completing their education. This makes them unhappy. So they behave in an indiscipline way. There is no personal touch between teachers and students. Classes are generally over-crowded. So students do not learn many things which they ought to learn from their teachers. Moreover, the educational institutions have become a means of giving employment to the unemployed. Even people who have no taste for teaching take to this profession. In society, immature youngsters find their elders behaving in an indiscipline way. As they see so they do. Many things which they see in cinemas, they practice in the class room. In fact, social conditions are responsible for student indiscipline all round. They must be taught to shun violence and cultivate the spirit of harmony. They must learn to respect the religious views and principles of each other. This would improve the atmosphere in educational

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