Indian Camp Analysis

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Analysis of ”Indian camp” by Ernest Hemingway Focus on: comma, word order and congruence Written by Haajra Sultan Throughout the story we come across a few themes containing ‘life and death.’ Little Nick gets the chance to witness both in the same day. This brings us to the next theme ‘growing up’. Watching someone entering the world and a few moments later someone leaving it can be harsh. He is forced to see the reality of life in an age where you are supposed to run around and play. This will forever have an impact on him. At this moment Nick has come a long way in his process of life. He has grown up. The story is told in 3rd person, but from Nick’s point of view. Nick – In my opinion Nick is about 10 years old, this is emphasized in the text by showing his curiosity. He tries to understand everything that is going on and when he can’t he asks questions related to life and death, this is quite common for children his age. Father – The father is shown as a very cynical person and he is condescending towards the Indians. He feels that he is superior to the Indians. This is shown when he says: “... Her screams are not important. I don’t hear them because they are not important.” If it had been another situation the woman in labour would have been given something for her extreme pain. Another thing, which underlines his condescendence, is that he doesn’t want to touch her or even her quilt. In my opinion the only reason why the doctor helps with the delivery of the child is because of Uncle George. This is shown when he tells George to pull back the quilt, because he wouldn’t like to touch her. Reversing to the fact that the unborn infant is George’s that is why he has to remove it. For me it underlines the fact that the doctor is only helping the Indian woman because of his brother’s relation to the woman and child. Uncle George - George is

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