Indian Camp Essay

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Essay on “Indian Camp”, by Ernest Hemingway. The short story Indian Camp, presumably set at the end of the nineteenth or the beginning of the twentieth century, is about the young boy Nick, and his father, a surgeon, who are paying a visit to an Indian camp because they need to help out an Indian woman in labour. In the short story Nick appears to be quiet young and in need of protection (P.1, l.9-10): “Nick lay back with his father’s arm around him” This shows us that Nick is finding comfort and security in his father. Nick is a sweet and seemingly innocent young boy: when they are in the Indian Camp and the woman is in lot of pain, Nick says (P.2, L.9-10): “OH, Daddy, can’t you give her something to make her stop screaming?” This quote shows us that Nick is thoughtful, and he is thinking about the Indians woman’s needs, but it also gives us the hint that Nick seems unaware about the Indians being low on medical equipment. Nick admires his father and is relying on him. In the short story Nick listens to his father and respects the way he is handling the situation (P.2,L.36-37): “Nick held the basin for his father. It took a long time.” This confirms that Nick is obeying his father’s needs, and that Nick is a humble young man. Nick’s father in the short story is very self-confident, and wants to teach Nick about the realities of life, but at the same time wants to protect Nick from situations he can’t handle When they have to leave for the Indian camp, Nick’s father explains things very carefully (P.1,L 14-15). This protects Nick from feeling nervous or uncomfortable. So the father is considered about his son. Nick’s father is good at having things under control. He accompanies Nick through the whole short story by explaining all the time what is happening (P.3, L. 3-6) “Listen to me. What she is going through is
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