India Pride And Discrimination

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PRIDE AND DISCRIMINATION ARTICLE INDIA THE ADVASIS AND DALITS BY NICOLE CAMPO AXIA COLLEGE May 22, 2011 Prejudice and Discrimination Article India is one of the most interesting places to visit in this world, Located in South Asia it is officially called the Republic of Indian. Next to China, India is the second most populous nation in the world. India is a union of twenty-eight states and seven union territories. There are many diverse ethnic groups among the people of India. The Six (6) main ethnic groups are Negrito, Proto (Australoids or Austrics), Mongoloids, Mediterranean or Dravidian, Western Brachycephals and the Nordic Aryans (“people of India”). India is known to be the country from which the world’s largest religious congregation has originated “Hinduism”. There is no state religion, about 80 percent of the population is Hindu and 14 percent is Muslim. Other significant religions include Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists. India is a diverse country with many culturally diverse sects or casts. According to the Encyclopedia of the Nations (2007) India is approximately one-third the size of the United States. The largest amount of population in India belongs to what is known as the caste community (Clarke, 2002). The “Hindu Caste System” conflates two different concepts- the Varna (class/group), theoretical scheme based on the ideal Brahminal traditions, and the Jati system prevalent throughout the Indian society since historical times (USA Today, May 2006). Most castes are traditionally associated with an occupation, such as high-ranking Brahmans; middle-ranking farmers and artisan groups, such as potters, barbers, and carpenters: and very low ranking “untouchables”, such as leather workers, butchers, launderers, and latrine cleaners. This system dates back more than 2000 years, which divides the population into higher castes, which include
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