Independence of Child in the Prepared Environment

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Independence of child in prepared environment Introduction: Montessori discovered that it was through independent activity that a child would come to fully realize their potential and abilities. The prepared environment is a collection of activities that focus on the many aspects of human development and are designed for their appeal to children in their most formative years. We call this collection of sequentially organized activities the Prepared Environment. As the child grows in age and ability, there will always be materials at his level of development that attract and interest him. Through his work, he may find a special area of interest that lasts throughout his school years and leads to a lifetime profession. Independence in absorbent mind: Montessori saw the absorbent mind in two phases. During the first phase, from birth to three years old, the young child unknowingly or unconsciously acquires his basic abilities. She called it the period of unconscious creation or the unconscious absorbent mind. The child's work during this period is to become independent from the adult for his basic human functions. He learns to speak, to walk, to gain control of his hands and to master his bodily functions. Once these basic skills are incorporated into his schema, by about three years old, he moves into the next phase of the absorbent mind, which Montessori called the period of conscious work or the conscious absorbent mind. During this period, the child's mathematical mind compels him to perfect in himself that which is now there. His fundamental task during this phase is freedom; freedom to move purposefully, freedom to choose and freedom to concentrate. His mantra is "Let Me Do It Myself Independence of child in each stage: At birth: At birth the child leaves the mother’s womb and breadth by itself once out in the new environment. The child’s independent to
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