Indentured Servants In Victorian England

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L3 Marketing British Civilization Slavery: from the Abolition of an Unchristian Trade in the UK to Others Forms of Enslavement (1834-2010) I Indentured servants and immigrants: new forms of slavery How the slaves were replaced: Shortage of labour from 1838 onwards => planters encouraged new waves of immigration, especially from India and gave them a new status, which became “indentured servants” (workers whose passage is paid for, providing they promise to work for a number of years (5) for the same estate and for low wages). 1. From slave to indentured servant: a seemingly positive evolution1 Remember that this is the vision exposed in a document, it is only one representation! Definition of indentured servants: The ex-slave…show more content…
It was his ‘deliberate opinion’ that the Chinese were ‘morally, the most debased people on the face of the earth’. Sexual practices which in other countries were ‘barely names, are in China so common that they excite no comment among the natives’”.10 Depriving people of their rights, discriminating people against on the basis of their ethnic group, their gender, or their place on the professional ladder can be a means of enslaving them. Because people may not get access to the same rights and liberties, may not be protected as they could. Likewise, the system of indentured servitude is, if not as harsh as slavery per se, another form of slavery, because as we saw in the various documents and courses, one is not totally free to defend oneself, as one has to pay back. Indebted one is. II. Child labor as another form of slavery 1. Presentation of child labor A. What is child…show more content…
4. The case of Starbucks: ethics and marketing Starbucks changed its main supplier in terms of coffee, and now its major coffee producer is the global organization Fairtrade (“commerce equitable”.) Starbucks has always presented itself as a fair-trade company: it presents itself as an ethical corporation, claiming that it pays higher than market price for its coffee, thus distancing itself from other coffee houses. By doing so, by adhering to fair-trade movement, Starbucks partakes in the helping of 100,000 coffee farmers and communities. Not only is this changing its economic strategy, as coffee gets more expensive to buy for the company, but it more importantly improves the image of the brand on the social stage. Indeed, this presents Starbucks as a company which is concerned with the quality of the production, which employment conditions etc. Be careful! This marketing strategy tends to be misleading: Starbucks is not a fair-trade company! Only the majority of the coffee it purchases comes from fair-trade

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