Incandescent Light Bulbs

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Incandescent Light Bulbs Dark nights were brightened by this device. It’s was one of the devices invented and developed by the world’s famous scientists (including Thomas Edison and Humphry Davy). In the past century, the Incandescent Light Bulb (ILB) has been commonly used all over the world and is now able to be found all over Hong Kong. ILB works by making light from heating a metal Eilament wire with hot temperature until it glows, the hot Eilament is protected by a glass bulb from aid that is Eilled with inert gas or evacuated (Princeton University, 2003). Incandescent light bulbs have changed the way we lived. It’s easier to see in the dark with this electrical device instead of using candles or Eire to help us see during the night. With the help of Incandescent light bulbs people can work through the night instead of sleeping early due to the darkness. There are many advantages from using the Incandescent light bulb, but like other electronical devices, this device has disadvantages as well. ILB tends to run at a higher temperature compared to Compact Fluorescent lamps (CFL), which causes it to have a higher chance of burning (Environment Bureau-­‐ Electrical and Mechanical Services Department-­‐ Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, August 2011). Before the invention of incandescent light bulbs, the only way to see during night-­‐time was to use candles, Eire, gaslights or lamps (ThinkQuest: Library, 2001). The incandescent light bulbs was created in the early 1800s by Humphry Davy (University of Houston, 1998). He passed current through a platinum strip which caused it to glow for a short period. His discovery was the Eirst development marked in incandescent light developments. Platinum Eilament was used by another scientist named Frederick de Moleyns in an evacuated glass tube to make a light bulb. After the tries from making light

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