In Which Way Can Language Art Influence Reading Efficiency?

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NAME: AJISAFE OPEYEMI FELIX MATRIC NO: E025633 LEVEL: 200 DEPARTMENT: LINGUISTICS COURSE CODE: CLA 201 LECTURER-IN-CHARGE: MR AMENAGHON FRANCIS QUESTION 1: IN WHICH WAYS CAN LANGUAGE ARTS INFLUENCE READING EFFICIENCY? Reading Efficiency is the act of seeing, interpreting and understanding printed symbols well. There are some factors like ability to recognize various letters and symbols in the text i.e. we cannot read a language we have not listened to, spoken or written about. The second factor is processing adequate vocabulary. This can be done through listening to others and speaking with others. i.e. The more vocabulary you have, the better you read. Another factor that influence ones reading efficiency is when you are able to master your complex thought process so that the activities of receiving the information,processing it,reaching and responding to it will enable you to get the authors desired message. Another factor is the purpose for which you engage in the reading tasklike if you read for academic purpose,you will read and comprehend fast because of what you want to derive. Lastly the kind of reading habit you cultivate determines.Hence the four language art of listening,speaking,reading and writing are interrelated.The acquisition of the right listening skills will enable you not only to speak well but also to read and write effectively.Similarly,the master of those essential reading and comprehension skill will enable you to understand the structure of writing text and help you write well too. The language competence you use effectively in your speech must have been gained from your proficiency in listening to and reading about other people’s idea and opinions.In other word,those vital elements that enhance reading efficiency come from the

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