In What Ways and to What Extent Was Darlington Altered by the Industrial Revolution

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In what ways and to what extent was Darlington altered by the Industrial Revolution Proposal This history project will look at how Darlington was altered by the Industrial Revolution. Research will be carried out about Darlington before and during the Industrial Revolution. Key changes that happened to Darlington will be examined in relation to the key events of the Industrial Revolution. The project will concentrate on the urban, population, and industrial growth of Darlington. To carry out comparisons information needs to be found in historical sources. The types of sources that will be used are primary and secondary. Information gathered will be evaluated on its suitability and then presented in the project. The presented information will be critically analysed and comparisons made. A literature search will be carried out to find relevant sources and at the end of this project the reader should have an insight into how Darlington was affected by the Industrial Revolution. The findings will be divided into the following sections Early History, Market Town, Early Industries, Railways and Wool / Linen Trades. These will show how Darlington changed and the extent of the changes. The conclusion will answer the question based on the report findings. In order to complete this history project research will be carried out. A number of primary and secondary resources will be examined and appropriate resources will be selected. Research can be carried out in a library and other places like museums and local archive centres. Library computer search facilities and library staff can be used to find appropriate books and other resources. A variety of search facilities such as computers and microfiche readers are available for research at local archive centres. Each book and other sources have to be perused for information pertinent to the research project. Searches for

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