“in the Exposition, the Narrator, Nick Carraway, Wins the Reader’s Trust Through His Self-Analysis and Honest, Non-Judgemental Approach”. to What Extent Do You Agree with This Early Assessment of Nick?

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From the early pages of the novel, The Great Gatsby, we are first introduced to Nick Carraway, who is the narrator. We learn that Carraway is a Midwesterner, a YALE Graduate and was a soldier in the First World War. Nick has moved to New York to learn about the bond business; Nick has also rented a small house next to the luxurious mansion of Jay Gatsby. As we are at the early stages of the novel it is hard for the reader to judge Nick’s character. The novel begins with Carraway stating a quotation his father told him when he was younger, “Whenever you feel like criticising someone – just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” Carraway is able to intake and digest important words he has heard, this shows that he is one who listens to wisdom; this also shows he is quite a Down-To-Earth character. From the style of Narration, which is first person, we can note that this may cause him to be biased and unreliable but one may argue that this means Carraway is more in touch with emotions, more insightful and mature. In the opening paragraph the reader may feel trust for Nick Carraway as he shows that he is wise and unpretentious, but, at the same time the reader may not trust him as of the possibility of him being biased. Carraway reveals that the quote his father gave him was one of the only things he told him, thus, it stuck in his mind more easily; so the concept of him being able to remember wisdom is in a sense defeated, but this shows honesty as he has shared the information of the relationship he has with his father. Throughout we can see plenty of honesty from Nick; Nick tells us he doesn’t like what Gatsby stands for as he says “Gatsby, who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn.”, however, Carraway’s honesty has showed him to be quite judgemental, but in page 4, Nick changes his views on

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