In Islam We Are Equal?

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Some people would agree with the statement because the Prophet Muhammad stated, ‘The most honourable among you in the sight of God is the one who is the most righteous’. This means that all men and women irrespective of their social standing are equal. So it doesn’t matter if a person is a king nor has a high position in the world; what's important is whether a person does the right thing or not. Therefore, an honest person who is homeless and destitute is more "honourable" than a dishonest rich person with a lot of power. As a result, this shows that both men and women are equal in Islam. Another reason is that Hawwa (Eve) was the first woman to be created by Allah (s.w.t). “Hawwa” means “the source of life”. Hawwa, according to the Qur’an, was created from Adam-from his upper rib. This evidence implies that men and woman, boys and girls come from the same source, the same material and the same creator. This means that we are all equal as the basis of race, colour and gender because that is how Allah created humans to be in Islam. Also, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a perfect example and role model to Islam because he taught many people to follow the religion and said, ‘You are brothers and sisters. You are all equal. No matter to which nation or tribe you belong to and no matter what your status is, you are all equal.’ This quote directly tells us that we are all equal no matter our origin or whether we are rich or poor. Some people believe this because they are a Muslim and have the knowledge to have faith in Islam, but even people from other religions also believe that everyone is equal in Islam. Some people would disagree with the statement because they may think that women are oppressed (treated badly and unfairly) and are expected to stay at home and let their partner make decisions for them. This is because people interpret each religion differently
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