Importance Of Spirituality In The Workplace

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Author (s) year perspective publication Maslow 1970, USA This work contributes to concept delimitation on spiritual values plotting Spirituality of Religion and supernatural concepts. Religions, values, and peak experiences. New York: Viking Press. Lee e Zemke 1993,USA? The author plots Spirituality of Religion reinforcing its importance in the same organizations. It includes God and religion knowledge. The search for spirit in the workplace. Training McCormick 1994, USA The author has made a literature review which he explores Spirituality concept in management context. He explores the work concepts as a way of meditation, compassion and right way of life. Spirituality and management. Journal of Managerial Psychology (descarregado 3131…show more content…
Spirituality at work: An overview. Journal of Organizational Change Management (discharged times since 2006) Cavanagh 1999, USA In this work the author indicates the reasons that justify the importance of Spirituality on people’s life-work. Spirituality for managers: Context and critique. Journal of Organizational Change Management (descarregado 4046 vezes desde 2006) Freshman 1999, EUA The author has made a qualitative study and concludes that Spirituality at Work has several definitions. He presents a framework for future studies. An exploratory analysis of definitions and applications of spirituality in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Change Management (descarregado 1768 vezes desde 2006) Mittrof e Denton 1999 Tischler 1999, EUA The author has made a literature review found on Maslow’s Theory of Needs (1943) the theory that justifies this new trend. . The growing interest in spirituality in business: A long-term socio-economic explanation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, (descarregado 2212 vezes desde 2006) Ashmos e Duchon 2000, EUA The authors have made a quantitative study developing scales that get it on Spirituality at Work concept. They make a clear distinction between religion and…show more content…
(Fry, Vtucci e Cedillo, 2005). In the business world there are evidences reveal interests to include Spirituality at Work inclusion, and by determined proposal allows to create a “soul”. They are identified in the academic literature (Karakas, 2010), some important brands that should be included in day by day Spirituality: Coca-Cola, Intel, Boeing, Sears. The authors mentioned refer to the following practice to be implemented aiming Spirituality at Work presence: Bible reading and Koran, prayer group, faith dialogue group, thought group, meditation, leadership programs, yoga, and balance well-being for workers. The contributions that some businesspeople left in organizations and communities whose brands have survived in some economical recessions are referred in academic literature as a reflection of Spirituality in a professional context (Rego, Souto e Cunha, 2007; Karakas, 2010): James Burke, da Johnson & Johnson; Robert Haas, da Levi Strauss; Anita Roddick, da Body

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