Importance of Milk

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The Importance of Milk With all the benefits milk has to offer, there are some people who think milk is unsafe and should be taken off the market. Drinking milk is healthy for humans. More specifically, low fat pasteurized milk is the safest and healthiest. It provides an easy and fairly inexpensive way to receive many nutrients. Milk has also been considered to fight or even prevent some diseases. Finally, the production of milk, from the farm to the fridge, is one of the most analyzed and tested products on the market; which confirms its safety. Milk has always been known to be a good source of nutrients. Therefore, dairy has always been considered a part of the daily diet. That being said, the human body also requires different foods in your diet to obtain overall healthy nourishment. All the calcium milk providers cannot be absorbed by the body without magnesium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is added to milk for this reason. Magnesium is found in milk, but there is not enough of it for all the calcium to be absorbed into the body. There are many other foods that are rich in magnesium, such as fish and potatoes, which can add to the diet to help absorb the calcium. Some people argue the amount of calcium that is required daily may cause prostate cancer. This statement is untrue according to the American Cancer Society. The ACS says, “only large amounts of calcium supplements may increase the risk of cancer. However, the daily intake of calcium from milk or other foods may, in fact, prevent some cancers” (1). Along with vitamin D and magnesium, vitamin A is found in milk too. Vitamin A is good for the eyes and skin. According to Alan Gaby “Vitamin E is an antioxidant and it is also present in milk. Antioxidants help strengthen and repair the body’s cells. Selenium and vitamin C are also antioxidants, which are found in milk” (1). The last vitamin present

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