Importance of Health Care to the Society

594 Words3 Pages
Importance of health care to the society Good Health Care is important for many reasons, longer more productive living for one. However, Most south africans who want health care do have it. Is it the most affordable? No, but until this Administration came into power it was the best. Health-care is important to ensure a healthy body, a healthy workplace, a healthy community and a healthy nation. Individual benefits from good health, the workplace with its employees and customers is protected with good health-care, the community is protected from contagious disease and the loss of tax revenue from illnesses, and our national security is threatened when our nation suffers from a lack of good health. If I am correct in assuming your question is based on the arguments against the Health Care Law I can tell you as a person who grew up in the very low income bracket I had to rely on employee insurance and often I paid the greater portion of it. In my early years I seldom had any illness but I did have a serious accident that without insurance I would have never recovered from the costs for medial care. My mother had serious medical problems and through insurance they were covered. Without the insurance we would have had to let her go as we would have had no way of obtaining the health care she needed. Our national health care Law is essential. It could have been better and as time passes the problems will be identified and corrected. The law would have been a better law if the Republicans had worked to help make a great law rather than fight it tooth and nail. Both my wife and I have had benefit of the new law and as more of it is implemented we and all Americans will find it to greatly enhance our quality of life; about the only thing that has in the past eight years. The Republicans have spent millions and millions of dollars trying to convince Americans the

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