Importance Of Finance

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Finance is the life blood of business. Finance flows in mostly from scale of goods and services and out for meeting various types of expenditure. It is also the activating element in any business, an industrial or commercial undertaking. Jenson and Meckling (1976) have defined Business finance as those activities which have to do with the provision and management of funds for the satisfactory conduct of a business. Business Finance is very important in relation to TA Holdings Limited, An Conglomerate Investment Company. Broadly Business Finance focuses on four main pillar objectives which are that of Investing, Financing investments, Share repurchase or dividend distribution and working capital management. From these four pillars numerous other factors have arisen in support for the existence of business finance in today’s organizations. Before industrial revolution, finance was not of much importance. The methods of production were simple. Labour at that time was more important than capital and finance did not pose any problem. Production in those days was, therefore labour intensive. Time Value of Money With the increasing need for corporations to invest in worthwhile assets nowadays, Business finance incorporates the concept of the Time value of money. A dollar on hand today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the future because the dollar on hand today can be invested to earn interest to yield more than a dollar in the future. The Time Value of Money mathematics quantifies the value of a dollar through time. This, of course, depends upon the rate of return or interest rate which can be earned on the investment. The Time Value of Money has applications in many areas of Business Finance including Capital Budgeting, Bond Valuation, and Stock Valuation. For example TA Holdings is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange; it raised most of its capital

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