Importance Of Ethics In Social Networking

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Abstract: The purpose of this review is to know about ethics in social networking. This article is to provide insights into the moral values embodied by a popular social networking site (Facebook). This research study is based upon qualitative fieldwork, involving participant observation, conducted over a two-year period. Then, the finding much research on the ethics of information systems has focused on the way that people deploy particular technologies and the consequences arising, with a view to making policy recommendations and ethical interventions. By focusing on technology as a moral actor with reach across and beyond the internet, the authors reveal the complex and diffuse nature of ethical responsibility and the consequent implications…show more content…
This is because I need to fulfill the need of subject that is Legal and Ethical Aspect of Information Systems (IMS657) to know about issue that related with legal and ethic. So, I was choose this article that title is ‘Ethics and social networking sites: a disclosive analysis of Facebook’ by Ben Light and Kathy McGrath. This paper aims to provide insights into the moral values embodied by a popular social networking site (Facebook). So, to do the review of this article, I need to understand about the content of this article and the way of author done their research about this topic. According to Wellman (2001), social media involves social relations among people who have some type of relationship. Social media ethics are informed by normative theories that aim to develop a set of best practices governing human conduct. The authors were done his study based upon qualitative fieldwork, involving participant observation, conducted over a two-year period. From that, he got the findings that much research on the ethics of information systems has focused on the way that people deploy particular technologies, and the consequences arising, with a view to making policy recommendations and ethical interventions. By focusing on technology as a moral actor with reach across and beyond the internet, the authors reveal the complex and diffuse nature of ethical responsibility and the consequent implications for…show more content…
As we know social networking sites has potential to facilitate deception social grooming and the creation of defamatory content. So the developers appear to hold a user-oriented view in make social networking sites for people to play with. Disclosing the ethics on Facebook had reveals many ethical issues. The issues that the authors were identified are related with privacy, security and identity. The issues raised in the process of creating profiles, publicizing activity and the way that these data and images may be interpreted. In creating and maintaining profile, the author highlight how Facebook users made the creation of an initial profile with registration that users may provide a good deal of personal data before they understand the consequences of their actions. Social madia has its own characteristics and policy approaches. New forms of media protocols, which could be referred to as ‘intelligent’ or ‘adaptive’ should take in consideration by social media developers. Year by year, Facebook was change and the ability to mediate privacy becoming more distant. There are many people reported losing posts also some case about lost of their whole profile. The software further mediated the environment in ways that were unpredictable. The author findings also point to the indeterminate location of morality in such sites. In the publicizing activity, Facebook merges with various aspects and allows

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