Importance of Communication

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Communication is central in all we do, sometimes it is the goal of our efforts at other times it is a step to some other goal, from when we wake up in the morning till we come back to bed at night the majority of the things we do is communication or closely related to it. And communication is not just words, words are basic symbols accepted to notify particular items, so before there were words we communicated with one another(even if only to explain the meaning of words), communication comprises words, voice, listening and body language which it is said we use to communicate more than words. We are distinct entities with varied thought, plans, aims and paths, but to be successful we must interact and assist each other in our activities, thus the need to communicate. Proper communication comprises the ability to select the right words, to utter these words to the understanding of whosoever we are communicating with, to bear the appropriate body language to accompany the word and to in turn understand whosoever we are communicating with. As a rule, the better one communicates the more successful one is. People who can communicate effectively are usually equally effective at whatever they do. These individuals are able to state clearly what they want, first to themselves and therefore they are always motivated and filled with purpose, and then to those they are working with so they know exactly what the goal is and what their part to play is. Good communicators are good leaders for this reason, they can clearly and effectively communicate their goals and plans for achieving them to those they work with, so everyone understands the goal and are motivated to work towards it. Often we say and hear others say “that is not what I was trying to say”, that statement is a sign of a barrier in the communication process on going, most likely because one of the
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