Impacts on Computer Speed.

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Having fragmentations in the disk drive decreases read and write performance. Even if you have plenty of RAM and a high end processor, having disk fragments will cause a bottleneck particularly when you are launching an application or moving files. There are preventive methods you can use to help avoid fragmenting the hard drive, you can defrag the hard drive before installing any application and reboot the computer thus ensuring the data stays together. You can also schedule regular disk defrags on Windows systems. Linux users do not typically need to defrag their disk drives due to the way the file system stores information, this becomes false as you reach the upper limits of capacity. Having too many processes running simultaneously will slow down the processor speed as well as use up memory. You can identify the running processes through the task manager in Windows or the system monitor in Linux systems. Through those processes it will display the current processes as well as the resources they are consuming, some programs even have their own task manager such as Chrome browser. The reason running to many processes slows down a computer is you only have so many cores and threads, once you reach the top the system responds with serial access jumping between processes to give the imitation of multi-tasking the way the left side of the human brain performs. Process load referring to the amount of CPU power one process is using will greatly affect system performance for if one process is utilizing eighty percent of the CPU the rest of the processes are limited to twenty, this can be neglected by setting task priority in the task manager. Adding more RAM to your system can increase performance in certain situations. If your computer is utilizing more than eighty percent of your main memory it is an indication that more memory should be added. I say indication

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