Impact Of Tv On Children

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Discuss the ways in which the media and particularly television have had a dramatic impact upon children’s lives. This essay will attempt to explore the ways in which the media and particularly television have had a dramatic impact upon children’s lives. In order to do this, we will firstly define what we mean by the media and look at how it has affected our environment. We will then investigate how the medium of television has evolved over the last fifty years and the way it has impacted upon children and young people. Finally, we will discuss contrasting views on the relationship between children and the media, with particular emphasis on the medium of television. The word “media" refers to various different means of communication and the transmission and storage tools that are used to deliver information. They are an important aspect of the lives of today’s children and it is through leisure pursuits such as watching television, reading, using a computer and listening to music, we can see how the media shape and inform the lives of contemporary children. We will see how this phenomenon has causes a great deal of concern for adults, who believe that the media has a negative impact upon children’s development and too much exposure leads to apathy, loss of innocence and even violence. Television is one of the most prevalent media influences in children’s lives and how much impact it has on children is dependent upon many factors; how much they watch, their age and personality and whether their watching is supervised. Early television programmes that were aimed at the young showed a variety of images of childhood and we will look at how these have changed throughout the years. Since the 1950’s, television programmes have been made specifically for children at home and the first BBC television programme aimed at pre-school children was the Watch with Mother
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