Impact Of Spanish Colonization On The Indigenous p

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ESSAY QUESTION: Critically assess the impact of Spanish colonization on the indigenous peoples in Trinidad. Spanish Colonization tremendously impact on the indigenous people in a negative way. The history of Trinidad and Tobago started with the arrival of the indigenous people. This could go as far back as 3400bc to 5400bc at banwari trace which is the oldest resident of Trinidad Lying on its left-hand side, in a typical Amerindian “crouched” burial position. He was discovered on November 1969 by the Trinidad and Tobago Historical Society. The Amerindian Tribe consisted of the Tainos and Kalinagos. The Tainos were relatively peaceful people, The Kalinagos essentially warlike. While both painted their bodies with roucou, partly no doubts to present a terrifying appearance in time of war, the Kalinagos were distinguished from the Tainos in their use of poisoned arrows. The Tainos and Kalinagos were essentially agricultural, representing an important advance in the scale of civilization over the Paleolithic period of human history. They cultivated the soil by constructing mounds of earth, firstly to loosen soil, secondly to protect the roots against the dry season and thirdly for composting with shoveled ashes .Their three mains ways of obtaining food for survival were Conuco cultivation, hunting gathering and fishing. Their main crop was cassava and maize. The Kalinagos eat almost the same food as the Tainos. The Tainos further developed the ‘grater’ for making cassava cakes. The Tainos grew just enough food for their families and for themselves, including maize, cassava, sweet potato, yeti and groundnuts. They did not lack protein but, compared with the Kalinagos, placed less emphasis on high protein foods and balanced their diet with more vegetables. Some foods they ate were fish, shellfish, turtle and manatee (sea cow). Fishing was mainly done by nets made of

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