Impact Of Peer Pressure On Teens

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Impact of Peer Pressure on Teens According to, did you know that underage drinking costs the United States more than $58 billion every year. In a survey given to teens by, teens were asked; why do they abuse illegal drugs? Majority of the teens responded “because my friends dare me to.” This is called peer pressure. A lot of teens don’t know that one use these drugs (like, cocaine, heroin, inhalants, and sedatives.) can be fatal. The use of these drugs can cause health problems like heart attacks, suffocation, and even breathing problems. Many may ask what peer pressure is. The Wikipedia definition of peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer or a group of peers in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms. Teens that are not considered normal are more likely to receive negative attitudes from those who are members of a peer group. This would make the teen give into peer pressure, because they want to be accepted. Teens also worry that other teens will make fun of them if they don’t take part in group activities; so they conform to these groups. A lot of teens like to use the saying “everyone’s doing it.”, which can influence some teens to participate in bad activities. In the story Secret Society of the Starving, 18 year old Claire was introduced to the pro-ana lifestyle by a friend that played on the soccer team with her. Claire felt the need to be perfect, so she started binging food and purging and taking laxatives to get rid of the food out of her system. This causes Claire to have low body fat, which makes her shiver in coldness a lot. Being pro-ana can be deadly because your body is not getting all the supplements and nutrients it needs to function properly. Hey! Not all peer pressure is negative. It can have positive effects on teens. For

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