Impact of Havana's Weather

326 Words2 Pages
Havana is popular for its largest Caribbean Island, exiting beaches, and most importantly its wonderful tropical climate. The climate is hot and sunny all year that can affect areas such as agriculture, tourism and housing. Agriculture can become greatly affected because of the intense heat of the tropical temperature and large amounts of rainfall. This heat leads to a high production of organic food. Organic farming has led to a healthier society and including a high number of rural migrations. This resource has brought Havana to the top as they become one of the world leaders in biofertilisers, with a high production of bio food. Tourism is popular in Havana because of the fresh climate. When a tourist is planning for a trip, weather is the most important factor to look for. Since the weather is tropical, the city inspires people who are living in a cold weather. Tourists would want to get away from the cold harsh climate and explore an environment that is much warmer than their original country. It’s no wonder that Cuba attracts over two million people per year for tourism. Havana’s climate is destroying the housing market. Most homes aren’t specially designed for the annual storms that Havana achieves. During the hurricane season the housing market is relatively low compared to the rest of the year. Hurricanes are a major threat as hundreds and thousands of homes can be swept away. Often times during the aftermath of these storms citizens would be left lying around the streets hopeless waiting for residence. The impact of Havana’s weather can affect areas such as agriculture, tourism and housing. This tropical weather makes it perfect for bio food and attracts many tourists. However, the hurricane season can destroy the housing market, disappointing citizens. Cuba may sound like a fun place to be in without the impact of hurricanes.

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