Impact Of Globalization On Hospitality Industry

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Hospitality is the act of provide food, drinks and entertainment to customers as well as take care of them. There are several factors that cause impact on hospitality industry, but globalization is one of the major factors that affect hospitality industry both the positive and negative sides. Globalization is the process where everyone in the world united together in one single society and culture which result in improved technology and communications. One of the positive impact of globalization towards hospitality is exposure to different cultures. Due to globalization, everyone in the world get to mingle with people that lead different lifestyle and culture, especially the managers of hospitality industry. As a result, they can learn about different cultures and increase their knowledge. However, this will cause cultural barriers. So, one must understand and careful not to offend people from various cultures because what acceptable by one culture might not be acceptable by another. For example, one must not serve pork to a Muslim as they will not eat food that contains pork. On the other hand, globalization increases job opportunities in hospitality industry as well. This is because globalization bring more visitors to the country, thus, more people are needed to be served. So, more job will be available in hospitality industry. Even though due to globalization, hospitality industry can employ more people from various countries as it is cheaper, but they may encounter problem in communicating with the customers. This will affect the service as well as the reputation of the industry. In addition to that, some countries hospitality industry may face seasonal employment problem. This mean job only available during peak period, after that period, tourists go back and the jobs is not available anymore as well. One of the city that suffer this problem is Goa, India.

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