Impact of Customer Service on Customer Loyality

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Introduction There has been much controversy among the definition of the performance. According to the research, performance is defined as being a function of the worker’s workplace behavior (Borman & Motovidlo, 1993; Campbell, Mchenry, & Wise, 1990). Performance can also be defined as the movements and the behavior which is controlled by the individual and involve achieving the goals of the organization. The negative workplace behavior which included rule breaking, internal theft, sabotage, stealing office supplies, embezzling company funds, unwarranted absenteeism are categorized as workplace deviances. According to the assessment of the job performance recent study point out that there are three elements of work behavior in the job performance. They are task perform, Organizational Citizenship behavior “OCB” and Workplace Deviances “WPD” (Rotundo & Sackett, 2002). The popularity and the damage of workplace deviance make it study essential. On daily basis media report, reflect the workplace deviance on the various topics like corruption of police officers, violation of post offices and illegal activities in wall streets. After examining the different review about deviance they try to answer the specific question about different element of deviance, For example in the study they observe particularly at theft (GreenBerg, 1990, 1993; Hollinger & Clark, 1982), Sexual harassment (Gutek, 1985), and unethical decision-making (Trebino & Youngblood, 1990). Our present research is about to find out the effects of the psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship & workplace deviance. Problem Statement In an advance survey, it was initiates that 33% to 75% of employees have enrolled in behavior such as, vandalism, sabotage; unwarranted absenteeism and theft (Harper, 1990).

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