Impact Internet Has Had on Society

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1. Introduction 2. Background 2.1. What is a Printing press? 2.2. When was it invented and by whom? 2.3. How does it work? 3. Impact on Society? 3.1. What was society like before the printing press? 3.2. What was society like immediately after the printing press? 3.3. How does printing impact modern society? 4. Benefits and drawbacks 4.1. What are the benefits of printing? 4.2. What are the drawbacks of printing? 5. Relevance to Engineering? 6. Conclusion The internet is a global computer network of networks whose origins are found in U.S. military efforts, during 1969. The origins of the internet can be traced to the creation of ARPANET (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) as a network of computers under the auspices of the U.S. department of defense. The internet is basically a bunch of assorted computers dispatching and receiving messages (data) amongst themselves by a method of carrier signal consisting of a numeric addresses and packets of data. The Internet is a system. It expands by taking in new information in the form of PCs and networks that attach themselves to the Net. Parts of the Internet communicate with other parts that then respond with some action. This is why the Internet is called a network of networks. Life before vs. after the invention of the internet. Communication is the main thing that has changed due to the internet. Whereas people would have to write or use phones, they can now send e-mails to communicate, or go on skype, for example. Social Networking sites changed the way society interacts with one another, and people can be met from all over the world in a flash, a task that, before the invention of the internet was impossible. People can find members of their family that would have not been possible to trace before. Family trees can now be traced as well.

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