Imc Project for Promotion Strategy

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IMC Project Promotion Strategy BUSI 430 TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract/Executive Summary 4 Company Description 5 Strategic Focus and Plan 5 Mission Statement 5 Christian View........................................................................................................................6 Goals 6 Core Strengths 8 Sustainable Competitive Advantage 9 SWOT Table 10 SWOT Analysis 11 Competitor Analysis 12 Company Analysis 12 Customer Analysis 13 Marketing and Product Objectives 14 Target Market 15 Points of Difference 15 Positioning Strategy 16 Marketing Program 16 Product Strategy 16 Price Strategy 18 Placement Strategy 20 Promotion Strategy 21 Promotional Budget 23 Evaluation and Control 24 Summary Statement 26 References 27 Abstract/Executive Summary Laundry detergent, softener and dryer sheets infused with manly fragrances are nowhere to been found in the market. “Swag Stack” is a joint product between the major companies Old Spice and Tide. It is a new and innovative product that offers an all-in-one detergent/softener/dryer sheet combo joined with the famous Old Spice fragrances. Swag Stack will still have the same target market as Old Spice has. It will target men aged 14-54 and women who have boyfriends, husbands, brothers or sons. With consumer interests in mind, the Swag Stack is built so that the consumer purchases one item that has everything that he or she needs to do a load of laundry. Its concentrated formula is three times stronger than the leading brand so that the consumer can use less. With a price ranging from $15-$20 dollars, Swag Stack is an affordable

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