Imaginative Landscape Essay

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The place in which we live in has an impact upon our understanding of the world. This quote can be taken a number of ways. The place in which we live can be a physical, mental or emotional place. An individuals imagined connection with landscapes helps to form their sense of self. Different people depict their ‘place of living’ and ‘landscape’ differently. For some people live in a virtual reality, such as television or video games, or even social networking sites. Whereas others live in a physical location where they are confined to, and some people can live all around the globe. Our own perception of what is ‘our’ landscape depicts how we understand the rest of the world. CULTIVATION: A person’s life can be within a parallel world such as reality. This life impacts a person’s overall understanding of anything external of their own agenda. Cultivation proposes over time, television viewers develop views of the world around them mirrored to what they watch on television. Television produces design programs to be relatable to everyday life, so that real world events can become in resonance with the distorted image of reality depicted on television. Recurring themes of isolation, depression cycle through our television channels, with more and more people feeling these emotions craving stability and a sense of relating to a fictional character her conveniently shows us for theory sessions whenever you sit on the couch. Television viewers absorb dominant attitudes and beliefs that are presented repetitively on television. On average a child watches 4 hours of television a day, by the time they have graduated high school they have spent more time in front of the television absorbing irrelevance, than they have in a classroom. More and more generation Z are living an ominous reality life. Teenagers are much like sponges, they absorb information from external sources
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